Dr. Edward Allyene Warden

Alethea Harris Warden


The Vestry

St. Stephen’s Vestry, like all vestries in the Episcopal Church, are responsible for the temporalities of the church. The Vestry manages buildings and grounds; secures and disperses funds; and calls and supports the priest so that the Church can engage in ministries that build the kingdom of God. Vestries must abide by the Church’s bylaws, Constitutions and Canons of The Episcopal Church, New York State Laws for Religious Incorporations, and all state and federal laws. Standing Committees implement the various administrative functions of the Vestry, submit regular reports, and bring recommendations to Vestry meetings for discussion and vote. Membership on the Vestry is open to Communicants 18 years and older who are in good standing (who have regularly worked, worshipped, and contributed to Saint Stephen’s Church). Wardens must be Confirmed Communicants 18 years and older.

Vivenne Grainger PAC Chair

Vivenne Grainger PAC Chair

 Parish Activities

This Committee is responsible for all Fund Raising Activities of the Parish.

Edward Alleyne

Dr. Edward Alleyne, Warden

Enrick Duporte

Property Committee

The Property Committee is the Standing Committee responsible for the maintenance, repair, and acquisition of property and equipment needed to conduct the ministries of the Church.

Helen Richards

Alethea Harris

Stewardship Chair

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee is the Standing Committee responsible for fostering the stewardship of members and friends so that pledges (of time, talents and treasures) support the mission and ministry God calls Saint Stephen’s to pursue.  The committee educates children, youth, adults about Christian stewardship; thanks members and friends; encourages pledging; encourages regular giving; promotes the Biblical standard of tithing as a norm for giving.  Membership is open to both members and friends of the Church with two or more Vestry on the committee.


Maria Paulsen

Beverly Ffrench

Beverley Ffrench



Sharla Smith

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is the Standing Committee of the Vestry responsible for managing the Church’s income and expenses.  Working with the Stewardship Committee, they deposit, record and report donations.  Working with the Parish Activity Committee, they deposit, record and report on fund raising activities.  This committee maintains records of all financial transactions, prepares the Annual Ministry Plan, submits financial reports for each Vestry meeting, completes the annual parochial report, manages checking, savings and investment accounts, makes sure the financial records and bank accounts are audited and writes or reviews and authorizes grant applications generated by staff or parish organizations.  Membership on this committee is open to members familiar bookkeeping principles and practices.  The Treasurer chairs the committee and one or more Vestry members serve on the committee.